Board of Directors
Dawn Walton - Chair
Anthony Williams - Vice Chair
Bill Levant - Treasurer
Stewart Richards - Secretary
Pastor Michael Jones - Chaplain
Dan Johnson - Immediate Past Chair
Lois G. Coleman (1923-2019) - Founder
Rusty Boylan
Capstone Real Estate Investments
David Brown
Jemison Investment
Ed Christian
Burr & Forman
April Corey
Southern Company Operations
Cathy Floyd
Community Volunteer
Mark Hancock
Hancock Construction
Rosa Hooper
Medical Properties Trust
Barry Howton
Consolidated Pipe & Supply
Dan Johnson
Johnson Sterling Paul Benefits
Pastor Michael Jones
Harvest Community Church
Bill Levant
Arlington Family Offices
Carter McLean
RCP Companies
Valerie Price
Samford University
Stewart Richards
Andrea Smith
PNC Bank
Pamela Stanford
Community Volunteer
John Turner
Hightower Solutions
Susan Waldrop
Larimer Waldrop & Associates
Dawn Walton
Children's of Alabama
Kathie Weber
Maynard, Cooper, Gale
Anthony Williams
Surgical Care Affiliates
Peter Wright
Dentons Sirote